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Hair Transplant

(Hair Transplant)Follicular Hair Grafting

As mole Pattern boldness has became very common even without any disease. It is increasing in younger people less than 30 years of age. So removing a strip of hair with skin from back of Scalp & Separating it into multiple sleevers & than into single hair/ 2 hair follicle & under magnification. Trance planting in to bold areas gives excellent long lasting result. At a time 3000 to 4000 follicle can be grafted. Now we are FUE signal hair transplant doing.

6-8 hours

Local with Intravenous Sedation.

Over Night/ One Day.

Moving around: once out of O.R
Return to work: 3-4 days
Hair growth after 3-6 months with regular medical Rx.

Duration of Result: