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Sushrut Plastic Surgery Centre Celebrates 30 Years of Excellence!

Sushrut Plastic Surgery Centre Celebrates 30 Years of Excellence!

We’re thrilled to mark this milestone anniversary!

A heartfelt THANK YOU to our wonderful well-wishers, patients, and families for your unwavering support and trust in our services. Your faith in us has been the driving force behind our growth and success.

HEAD TO TOE-Body Contouring by Plastic Surgery
Dr. Sanjay Kucheria
M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic Surgeon)
Indore ,(M.P.)
☎️ 94250 82046

#FUEHairTransplant #MegaHairTransplant #NecroticSkinTreatment #LowerEyelidBlepharoplasty #Botox #UnderEyeFillers #ThreadLift #FaceLift #LargeHairyMoleRemoval #HairNaevusScarRevision #Rhinoplasty #RFAL #DoubleChinTreatment #FacialRejuvenation #FatGrafting #EarReconstruction #LipHaemangioma #LipAugmentation #CATongueReconstruction #GynecomastiaTreatment #SternalDehiscenceRepair #BreastReconstruction #BreastImplant #BreastAugmentation #BreastReduction #VerticalScar #AccessoryBreastTreatment #TuluaAbdominoplasty #ExposedTendonCover #VitiligoSurgery #DiabeticFootReconstruction #FreeALTFlap #HeelPadReconstruction #SushrutPlasticSurgeryCentre #30thAnniversary #CelebratingMilestones #Gratitude #PlasticSurgery #Healthcare #PatientCare #ExcellenceInService #MadhyaPradesh #Indore #MP #PlasticSurgeryInIndore #BestPlasticSurgeonInIndore #DrSanjayKucheria

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